Tinnitus may not be a sign of an underlying medical condition. However, it can cause other problems such as memory and concentration issues, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. This is why it’s important to do your best to manage it.

Just like other diseases, one way of controlling the symptoms of Tinnitus is by eating the right types of food. At the same time, you should also know what food could aggravate the condition. This might make you wonder what the worst foods to eat when you have Tinnitus are? Find out here.

What is Tinnitus?

Before discussing the worst food for Tinnitus, it is important that you first understand its basics. Tinnitus is when you experience a ringing sensation on one or both of your ears. The sound you are hearing is not an external sound. In fact, others can hear it. These are some of the phantom noises that people with Tinnitus hear:

  • Humming
  • Hissing
  • Clicking
  • Roaring
  • Buzzing

Symptoms of Tinnitus differ from one person to another. This also means that the sounds they hear can be different. There’s also a varying intensity of the sounds heard. In some cases, the sounds are mild. However, there are instances when these sounds can be unbearable, causing a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.

This condition is more common than you think. It manifests in around 20% of the world’s population, especially among other adults. The cause of it can be due to underlying conditions such as hearing loss associated with age, circulatory system problems, or ear injury.

5 Worst Tinnitus Foods

Now that you have a good idea of what exactly is Tinnitus, here are the worst everyday foods that can worsen the condition:


People with Tinnitus should stop drinking coffee. Many doctors will also suggest this because it’s a known aggravator of the condition. The caffeine content in coffee can trigger a stress response. Although this might sound like a good thing, it does not reduce the symptoms of Tinnitus.


There’s a higher chance for people with diabetes to develop Tinnitus. If this is your case, it’s only natural for you to cut back on your sugar intake. This is because the brain, ears, and eyes are dependent on glucose and oxygen from a person’s blood supply. When your glucose levels increase, your senses, such as hearing, can also be affected.

There are tons of foods that have high sugar content. This include:

  • Cookies
  • Cakes
  • Candy
  • Sweet rolls
  • Pastries
  • doughnuts

Saturated Fats

A diet with high saturated fats can cause an increase in your cholesterol levels. Over time, this can lead to atherosclerosis, which is a contributing factor to Tinnitus. It also significantly increases your risk for stroke and heart disease.

Some examples of food that contain high amounts of saturated fat are the following:

  • Red meat
  • Butter
  • cheese


Several studies suggest that sodium can worsen the symptoms of Tinnitus. The main reason behind it is that salt can increase your blood pressure.

When this happens, the blood vessels constrict, making it difficult for blood to circulate properly to the other part of the body. In addition, a person can hear their own heartbeat because the Tinnitus becomes louder.

Eating food with less salt can help decrease tinnitus sound. Aside from that, it can also help lower your risks for other diseases.

Some of the foods with high salt content include:

  • Processed food
  • Canned food
  • Frozen breaded meat
  • Salted nuts
  • Snacks



There are several reports from people with Tinnitus that drinking alcohol worsens their condition. This is associated with the high sugar content of alcohol. In addition to that, alcohol can increase blood pressure and cause dehydration, making Tinnitus more noticeable.

Instead of drinking alcohol, it’s recommended to drink plenty of water instead. It’s much better for your body, and it will not aggravate your Tinnitus.

Final Words

There’s a mixed medical opinion regarding the impact of diet on Tinnitus. This is mostly because there’s not much research on the topic yet. Because of this, it’s up to you to determine which dietary changes can help improve your condition.

You can find Here information about how to prevent certain kinds of tinnitus.


Clinical research or scientific evidence:

Relationship Between Diet, Tinnitus, and Hearing Difficulties
Relationship Between Diet and Tinnitus: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
The effect of vitamin B12 on idiopathic tinnitus
What are the benefits of eating healthy?
Association of Dietary Factors with Presence and Severity of Tinnitus in a Middle-Aged UK Population
Tinnitus, food and drink